We believe that it is essential to create opportunities for transformation as we invest in South Africa’s future. Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance or ESG is a critical concept and business practice that Thuso promotes and adheres to.
We mitigate ESG Risks and maximise opportunities at every stage of the investment cycle.
Impact forms the foundation of our investment process. Thuso upholds and is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investments (UNPRI).
We create value for our investors across our portfolio and uphold the integrity of the private market capital we provide.
Thuso creates sustainable value within private markets by promoting responsible business practice through our ESG framework. We do this by incorporating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) criteria into our investment decision-making and our ownership practices. This framework is further aligned with the National Development Plan (NDP) in ensuring a contribution to transforming gender and education inequalities.
We use the IFC Performance Standards as a benchmark for environmental and social risk management and as a means to measure ESG risk in these areas.
The topics encompassing these standards are:
Our Social and Ethics Committee will have ultimate, collective responsibility of all ESG matters. The Committee will have ongoing monitoring and improvement of compliance with ESG policies along with a technical expert for specialized knowledge to classify any high-risk investment. Underlying fund managers are required to report and identify any area of risk to the Committee.
“We construct our portfolios through the lens of the ESG mindset.”